This Erard Gothic came into the workshop with a seriously broken neck! Unfortunately the mechanism had also gone through the soundboard. Luckily the damage to the soundboard wasn't too severe which meant it could be repaired rather than having to replace the whole soundboard. The same could not be said for the neck.
When making a new neck for an Erard harp, I always use solid wood just like the originals. In my eyes (and ears!) this helps to keep that authentic Erard tone.
As well as making a new neck for this harp,` the customer also asked me to clean, re-polish and re-lacquer all of the brass work.
A cleaned and repolished mechanism really brings a harp back to life!
As well as the structural repairs the decorations were also cleaned, repaired and repainted. This new gold paint really freshened up this beautiful harp.
The pedal box's griffons looking good with a fresh coat of paint!
After all the work that had gone into this harp I was very pleased with how it turned out. Let me know what you think of it. I'd love to hear your thoughts.